Tuesday, 30 December 2008

(RL) Steampunk Sculptures

This Boxing Day I took my camera to 'The Pride of the Valley Sculpture Park', which is about five minutes drive from me, in Churt, in Surrey. I've always loved sculpture placed in the great outdoors and the park occupies ten acres of woodland and water garden, and houses 200 sculptures, many in a decidedly Steampunk vein. It was a lovely crisp winter's day, and although my hands froze solid taking these pictures, the light was beautiful. Here are a few of my favourite pieces:

1. Teapot Pachyderm
I love this little fellow! He is nicely nestled among the rhododendrons, where his brass body catches the light beautifully.

2. Rusted Towers
Two wonderful rusty towers, possible grain stores or similar. Glorious colouration and a satisfying echo inside :)

3. Broken Diving Bell
Crushed and lying in a puddle of water, you can't help but wonder what happened to this forlorn looking diving bell. A misencounter with a leviathan perhaps?

4. The Brass Sentries
Standing on duty at the top of the park, brass animals of indiscernable species gaze out from their tree trunk plinths.

5. Funnel birds
A pair of quarrelsome birds perch their tubby bodies on equally tubby little chairs.

Many more frames on my flickr photostream:


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