The onset of warmer weather in New Babbage saw the broom cupboard here at Atelier somewhat plagued with beetles earlier this week. On capturing a few specimens I noticed, that like so many things in our fair city, that they are indeed clockwork insects! I have thus named them 'cogroaches'.
They are quite the most curious yet beautiful creatures, with delicate, papery wing cases and glowing eyes. Not being one to let such a discovery go to waste, I have utilised them to adorn a charming spring straw bonnet, which can be found for purchase at the store, along with some sweet little cogroach brooches.

I find insecty jewellery such a joy, don't you?! And the bonnet is just the sort of hat that one might wish to wear to church, providing you can convince the vicar that cogroaches are not wood burrowing and will not eat the pews.

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