First place saw a battleship in bush form, that fires apples and has flowers in place of steam, by Mr Cleanslate. Second came Miss Andrew's fairy globe, and third, Miss Blakopal's lovely twirly conifer with lantern. I must also mention Miss Writer's alphabetty plant, and Miss Frye's glorious airship battle tree.

My leafy offering came in the form of a macabre little fellow, having recently beheaded his dear wife with the garden shears. This bizarre image came to me last week, and I quickly scribbled it down on paper before I started work with prims. Here is my sketch, the end result was very similar! I have Tyger to thank for the name 'A bush with death', but of course, only my nonsensical pen is to blame for the accompanying rhyme.

1 comment:
Awww it is Just priceless but the story makes it so much more fun and special .. Thank YOU !!hugsss I want it !! and wish I had one in real life !!
I shall send you a note .. about the vendor and where we can place it on the landing hugssss !!
Thank YOU for your Heart !!
You are adorable creative. witty and such fun
Most important a dear friend and neighbor Thank YOU Dear Meadow ..
always breezy
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